
We offer a wide array of services including background checks, administrative resolutions, and receivables support services. Know that this list is not all-inclusive and that we here at PDA Investigations are always open to new avenues of service.


Hiring with Confidence

Background checks for employment help you save time and resources in the hiring process while reducing the risks associated with hiring unfit candidates.

Pre-Employment Screening

Background checks for employment help you save time and resources in the hiring process while reducing the risks associated with hiring unfit candidates.


Protect Your Investment

The best way to ensure potential tenants are qualified and trustworthy is by working with a company that provides timely and accurate tenant screening services.

Tenant Screening Services

Most applicants can pass the eye test and instant online searches are often incomplete or inaccurate. So how can you be sure your property is safe? Let PDA Investigations ensure a proper background check for your potential tenants. We offer a full range of tenant screening services from criminal and sex offender searches to eviction history and previous landlord verification. Just like in our pre-employment screening practices we take our due diligence responsibilities very seriously and everyone here is FCRA certified. We'll help you to have a thorough and accurate picture of all applicants so you can make a safe and informed decision on who lives in your building.


Get More Resolutions

Streamline your resolution process with our industry-leading administrative resolutions.

Department of Education Administrative Resolutions

PDA Investigations specializes in death and incarcerations administrative resolutions for several clients on the Department of Education contract. Each of our clients has experienced dramatically shortened turn around times as well as a great number of returns on each placement. We are able to return these results in these time frames because as a licensed private detective agency we have access to records that others might not. We are also one of the only providers of this service to automate the incarceration process in such a way as to eliminate the reliance on stale databases and outdated information. Our search is conducted live and in real time. We also do not rely on middle men for our death certificate requests, relying instead on a network of more responsive, smaller offices. In addition to monthly placements, we offer a full service death and incarceration monitoring service as well as a long term approach to generating future administrative resolutions.

Maximize Your Profitability

Collecting can be a long, arduous task. We significantly lessen the time by providing services designed to locate borrowers and help you close accounts.

Receivables Support Services

In addition to Department of Education Administrative Resolutions, PDA Investigations services our clients in the debt collection industry by offering services as diverse as verified place of employment, incarceration scrubs, real property searches, bankruptcy searches, and disability inquiries. Our resources include those available to detective agencies and our 35 years of experience lead us to a more professional and thorough presentation.