A Look from the Inside

  • 5/9/2016
  • Raquel Trevino
A Look from the Inside image
The Background Screening Industry is tightly linked to Human Resources Services and we work hard to make your complex tasks easier. In order to achieve this we need to be on the same page, and by page I mean literally – DOCUMENTATION.

Our field is highly regulated. We have to keep up with constant law changes and it applies to all of us. Again, documentation is the key to ensuring compliance. It is always good to look over the forms to make sure they are filled out completely, to educate those that are assisting with this process, and to highlight the key items that are needed to be filled by the applicant.

We know HR has many roles and responsibilities and that sometimes things get overlooked. Some call it “human error” while others go a bit more dramatic by saying “deadly sins” but here are a few things we all need to look for to avoid potential class action lawsuits.
  1. Incomplete Forms. Everything is filled out correctly except a signature is missing or the date wasn’t filled out. It may seem obvious but, inaccuracy and incompleteness can make the entire document suspect and it’s the primary failure in documentation.
  2. False information. Credentials can be a key element in a hiring decision. It’s important to be sure the applicant has the degree or certificate they claim to. Keeping documented verifications help ensure your employee has the education and/or experience they say they do.
  3. Inconsistency in Documentation. Setting a standard and sticking to it helps maintain consistency and avoid claims of discrimination. Every applicant for each position must be evaluated with the same standards.
Whether you are on a paper based system or an electronic system, documentation compliance is is a must for everyone. Let’s keep our files in order – because it counts!